Associate Direct Marketing Manager and Partner

My career in wine began in 2014. After a twenty-year career as a documentary film and television writer and director, my passion for the wine industry took a hold of me and hasn’t let go. I began as a tasting room staff member at a small winery in Lodi, CA. I then worked the 2015 production year as a winemaker’s assistant producing nearly 5000 cases of Rhônes, blends and Zinfandels. After “learning the ropes”, I quickly realized that my calling was marketing and direct to consumer outreach; bringing wines to the marketplace. As a lifetime storyteller, I’m passionate about heritage and history and I can’t think of a better place to “land” then MMFE. My wife Jean O’Sullivan and I are avid travelers and love to find those roads less travelled – we’re always on the lookout for new experiences. I am a self-professed food lover and amateur home chef. I enjoy painting and I’ve been a drummer since I was a teenager. So, if you’re wondering where that “tapping” is coming from, it may very well be me.