Market Sales Manager, Southern California

From before I could even remember, food and wine was a part of my everyday life.  My family owned a Kay’s Seafood restaurant in Connecticut, where I, literally, grew up.  When I was 15, and began waiting tables, I never thought I would continue to work in the restaurant business for the next 20 years.

I moved out to San Diego in 1993 and put myself through college by working in restaurants, and eventually went on to work for the Four Seasons Hotel Company for 12 years, where I truly learned about great food and great wine.  As my love for wine, and the desire to learn as much as I could grew, I realized that the next step would be to go to work as a distributor wine rep.  I worked for the Henry Wine Group and eventually the Estates Group Division of Young’s Market Company, where I was able to represent the wines of Folio Fine Wine Partners.

I knew that if I ever had the opportunity to work for a supplier, Folio Fine Wine Partners was the one. I am so happy and so fortunate to be working for this incredible company.

I live in beautiful Carlsbad, CA with my 4 legged-daughter Lola.